I’m embarking on a journey I do not know where it will lead
It may result in my triumph, or leave me behind in defeat
Either way I’m feeling grateful, just for being able to take flight
To spread my wings and take a chance, for what might be waiting on the other side
When I think back to what has stopped me, and kept me hesitating to leave the nest
It seems so minuscule and so silly, so very foolish to not take that first step
For I would’ve squandered all God gave me, the very gifts He wants me to share
The gift of music and of beauty, the gift of light my soul to bare
We live this life with just one journey. Sometimes we’re given an extra chance or two
Or three or four or maybe more, to see the way to what is the truth
That we are not what others have told us, we are good enough to be our best
We are worthy of God’s praises, we have the strength to pass this test
And with each attempt to keep us going, on the path God wants us to sow
He’s guiding us back and gently nudging, to show us which road is ours to own
I must be mindful of His guidance I must be quiet to hear His voice
I close my eyes to see His vision, and in the darkness, see my choice
It’s not an easily-made decision, all the more reason to seek His light
For He wants what’s best for all the people, and how it is I make that right
And if I’m mindful as I lay here, in the darkness of my dreams
He will present me with the answer, by sign or symbol or outward scream
And I will see and hear His answer I will abide His choice for me
I will awake this very morning, on the threshold of my dream.